Fakultätskolloquium - Microsystems and Cognitive Machines for Sustainable Affordable and Personalized Medicine and Health Care

Prof. Dr. B. Becker und Prof. Dr. Y. Manoli laden Sie herzlich zu dem Fakultätskolloquium "Microsystems and Cognitive Machines for Sustainable Affordable and Personalized Medicine and Health Care" von Prof. A. G. Andreou, Johns Hopkins University, ein.



Prof. A. G. Andreou, Ph. D., Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Johns Hopkins University

Microsystems and Cognitive Machines for Sustainable Affordable and Personalized Medicine and Health Care

Date & Time: Thursday, 22.03.2012, 14:00 c.t.

Location: Building 101, Seminar Room 02-016/18

Since the invention of the integrated circuit in the 1950's, the microelectronics industry has seen a remarkable evolution from the centimeter scale devices created by Jack Kilby to millimeter scale integrated circuits fabricated by Robert Noyce to today's 8nm feature size MOS transistors. During this time, not only have exponential improvements been made in the scaling of size and the density of devices but the CAD and workstation technologies have advanced at a similar pace enabling the design of complete truly complex Systems On a Chip (SOC). The advances in the microelectronics industry, have also enabled the proliferation of computational fields for bio-informatics, systems biology imaging and multi-scale multi-domain modeling.

Microfabrication and integration has paved the way to highly integrated electronic components through rapid, low-cost techniques that yield highly accurate and reproducible structures. Adaptation of the traditional silicon based technologies together with advances in new bio-materials are now applied to biotechnology to produce high-throughput microarray structures for genes and proteins. Semiconductor technology is contributing to the advancement of bio-technology, medicine and health care delivery in ways that it was never envisioned; from scientific grade CMOS imagers to silicon photomultiplier and ion arrays. The advent of microarray technologies, DNA chips, gene chips and protein chips is revolutionizing medical diagnosis and disease treatment. The stunning convergence of semiconductor technology and life science research is transforming the landscape of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare industries, signaling the arrival of personalized and molecular-level imaging diagnosis and treatment therefore speeding up the pace of scientific discovery, and changing the practice and delivery of patient care. We live in an era where semiconductor technology and the ``chip'' is the foundation of sustainable and affordable personalized medicine and health care delivery.

The research program outlined in this talk explores fundamental questions at the interface of biological and physical systems as we strive to engineer new forms of complex informed matter and three dimensional computational substrates. Our ultimate goal is the design and synthesis of flexible structures, networks at multiple physical scales in hybrid animate/inanimate technologies that can transduce, adapt, compute, learn and operate under a closed loop for bio-environments. The outcome of our research effort impacts a diverse range of applications, from tissue engineering and rehabilitation medicine to biosensors to point of care and home diagnosis. I will discuss microsystems research in my laboratory aimed at life sciences and advanced health care delivery. I will present results from CMOS based single photon detectors for molecular imaging to hybrid silicon CMOS electronics / silicon microfluidics for cell culture and incubation and ultra low power bio-electronic interfaces for advanced prosthesis and rehabilitation.

Speaker Biography:

Andreas G. Andreou is a professor of electrical and computer engineering, computer science and the Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute, at Johns Hopkins University. Andreou is the co-founder of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Language and Speech Processing and the Whitaker Institute Microfabrication Laboratory. Research in the Andreou lab is aimed at brain inspired microsystems for sensory information and human language processing and devices for e-medicine and health-care. Notable microsystems achievements over the last 25 years, include a contrast sensitive silicon retina, the first CMOS polarization sensitive imager, silicon rods in standard foundry CMOS for single photon detection; a large scale mixed analog/digital associative processor for character recognition; the first truly autonomous chip-scale hybrid silicon-silicone microsystem for cell culture and incubation; an ultra-low power CMOS sensor for retinal prosthesis. Significant algorithmic research contributions for speech recognition include the vocal tract normalization technique and heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis, a derivation and generalization of Fisher discriminants in the maximum likelihood framework. In 1996 Andreou was elected as an IEEE Fellow, “for his contribution in energy efficient sensory Microsystems.”


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