Award at the EMBC

Calogero Gueli takes 2nd place in the student competition of the International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference of the IEEE



With the presentation of his paper entitled Scalable Batch Transfer of Individual Silicon Dice for Ultra Flexible Polyimide Based Bioelectronic Devices, Calogero Gueli from the Professorship for Biomedical Microtechnology won second place in the student competition worth USD 750 at EMBC 2021, the world's largest conference for biomedical engineering.

Bioelectronic systems can restore or maintain impaired body functions in patients with neurological deficits by enabling a connection between the human nervous system and a technical system. The mechanical flexibility of the neural interface based on polymer films increases the acceptance of the biological tissue in long-term applications. Complex functionality can be implemented using silicon-based microchips with integrated microelectronic circuits.

In his work, Calogero Gueli developed a process at wafer level for the connection and alignment of several µChips with edge lengths of a few 100 µm and a height of 100 µm with highly flexible, a few µm thin polymer foils and electrical contacting by means of thin-film-based metal conductor tracks (height of a few hundred nanometers).

The research was carried out by Calogero Gueli in the group of Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz at the Professorship for Biomedical Microtechnology at the Institute for Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK at the University of Freiburg.


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