New at the faculty
Photo: Fraunhofer EMI, Conny Ehm
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, chair of the new Gips-Schüle-Professorship of Sustainable Engineering Systems and Junior Professor Dr. Matthias Kuhl, chair of the Junior-Professorship of Modelling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier holds the new Gips-Schüle-Professorship of Sustainable Engineering Systems at the Faculty of Engineering. As vice dean he is coordinating the organization and development of the ‘Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering’ (INATECH). His research and teaching concentrates on sustainable solutions for the selection, processing and application of materials as well as the performance properties of the material and structure at dynamic strain.
Hiermaier studied Aerospace engineering at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. After his dissertation in 1996 he was habilitated in 2002 and received an unscheduled call for the Professorship of Short-term Dynamics in 2008. From 1998 onwards he was the deputy director of the Fraunhofer-Institute for ‘Short-term Dynamics’, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), which he leads since 2015. Additionally, he is one of two coordinators of the Sustainability Center of the University of Freiburg and the five Fraunhofer-Institutes in Freiburg
Junior Professor Dr. Matthias Kuhl holds the Junior- Professorship of Modelling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits at the Faculty of Engineering. He develops micro-electronic interface circuits for the use such in braces or micro fuel cells. Kuhl will closely collaborate with the Excellence-Cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools of the University of Freiburg, which could be pioneering e.g. in the development of an interface between machine and the human brain - such as prostheses which can make emotions detectable.
Kuhl studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Wuppertal. In 2013 he graduated at the Professorship of Micro-electronics at the Institute of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) in Freiburg. There, in January 2013, Kuhl founded the group „Medical Microelectronic Devices and Implantable Circuits“.
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