JALA 2016 Author’s Choice Award for André Gross and Co-Authors
An integrated camera detects whether a droplet contains a cell or not. Only a droplet with a cell will be used. Source: cytena GmbH.
The news were announced on January, 26 during the conference of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) in San Diego, USA.
The technology had been developed within the European project "PASCA", together with the company BioFluidix and other project partners. The single cell printer introduced in the article was presented to the public for the first time at the SLAS conference in 2012. Since 2014, the company cytena GmbH from Freiburg sells the single cell printer. www.cytena.com
Read more:
Article: http://jla.sagepub.com/content/18/6/504.full
Press release by SLAS: http://www.slas.org/publications/scientific-journals/2016-slas-journal-achievement-awards/
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