Award for Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schiffmacher and Sebastián Rivero Equiza in the field of sustainable energy engineering

University of Freiburg awards Dr. Fritz and Gerda Ruf Prizes 2024.

We are happy to announce the 2024 winners of the Dr. Fritz and Gerda Ruf awards, donated to the University of Freiburg by the benefactors Dr. Fritz and Gerda Ruf. The two prizes are awarded regularly for special achievements in the field of sustainability engineering at the Faculty of Engineering.

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schiffmacher
was awarded with the Dr. Fritz Ruf prize for his dissertation entitled: New methods to accelerate the validation of the lifetime of highly reliable power semiconductor modules

at the Faculty of Engineering of Freiburg.

Dr. Schiffmacher received the award for the development of in-situ degradation monitoring methods of electronic power modules which are critical for modern efficient power systems. The methods are suitable for the detection of degradations in power electronic modules during active power cycling tests and help to reduce the significant material consumption of modern power systems, such as in chargers in electric cars.

The Gerda Ruf prize for the best master thesis in the field of sustainability engineering was awarded to
Sebastián Rivero Equiza for his thesis: Quantitative resilience assessment of the European power system against compound dry/hot events

at the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH).

The thesis by Sebastián Rivero Equiza investigates the impact of compound dry/hot events, specifically heatwaves, on the resilience of the European power system. The study integrates the dependency of thermoelectric power plants and electricity demand on temperature into the open-source power system model PyPSA-EUR. Employing a disturbance theoretical approach, the 2003 heatwave is integrated into a reference system spanning 2020 to 2050.

We congratulate the winners and thank the Fritz-Hüttinger Stiftung for their longterm support.


Kerstin Steiger-Merx
Representative PR/Marketing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8056