VDI Sponsorship Award 2015
Jan Burchard (Department of Computer Science) and Sebastian Stöcklin (Department of Micorsystems Engingeering) were awarded the VDI Sponsorship Award 2015 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2015/16.
Jan Burchard (left) and Sebastian Stöcklin (right)
Jan Burchard received the award for his master thesis "Parallel #SAT Solving with Laissez-Faire Caching", which he performed at the Chair of Computer Architecture, Department of Computer Science.
Sebastian Stöcklin received the award for his master thesis "An Energy Efficient and Adaptive Wireless Powering System for Biomedical Brain Implants", which he performed at the Department of Microsystems Engineering.
The VDI Sponsorship Award is endowed by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) – chapter “Schwarzwald e.V.” and comes with a prize money of 1000€.
The Faculty of Engineering cordially congratulates its awardees.
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