Eurosensors 2015 Conference - a huge success
Chaired by Prof. Gerald Urban, Laboratory for Sensors, and Prof. Jürgen Wöllenstein, Laboratory for Gassensors, around 550 participants gathered for the meeting, 80% coming from academia and 20% from industry.
The scientific programme included 360 contributions, among them 227 posters and 133 oral presentations. The topics ranged from bio- and chemo-sensors for medicine and lab-on-a-chip applications to novel microsystems, technologies and nanomaterials to gassensors, energy harvesters and wireless sensor networks.
In addition to the high-class plenary and keynote talks, for the first time the conference included an industrial applications session. Speakers from industry discussed the challenges of successful commercialization of sensor-systems, e.g. in automotive supply, biotechnology, medicine or process control.
The international jury, chaired by Prof. Maximilian Fleischer, Siemens AG, awarded one of the three “Outstanding Poster Awards” to Falk Barz, Patrick Ruther, Shoji Takeuchi and Prof. Oliver Paul from the Microsystem Materials Laboratory/University of Tokyo for their contribution „Mechanically adaptive silicon-based neural probes for chronic high-resolution neural recording“.
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