MEMS Applications

Best Poster Award for fuel cell concept Best Poster Award for fuel cell concept

Matthias Breitwieser and Severin Vierrath have received the best poster award of the 7th international Conference Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells for new membrane-electrode assemblies for fuel cell.

Fighting Epidemics in Africa Fighting Epidemics in Africa

Researchers at IMTEK develop a rapid test for diagnosing malaria and other tropical diseases out of blood in a single run

Bilder aus der Nanowelt Bilder aus der Nanowelt

Prämierter Vortrag und Top-Platzierung beim Fotowettbewerb auf dem Workshop „Funktionelle Nanostrukturen“ der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung für Matthias Breitwieser, Lukas Zielke und Severin Vierrath

Energy of the future Energy of the future

"f-cell award – award for innovative fuel cell technology" for researchers of the Lab for MEMS Applications and Hahn-Schickard - for the second time in succession

Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics

Researchers develop new method enabling DNA molecules to be counted in just 30 minutes: A team of scientists including PhD student Friedrich Schuler from the Laboratory of MEMS Applications at IMTEK has developed a method for dividing a DNA sample into thousands of tiny droplets.

Electricity from Waste Water Electricity from Waste Water

Joana Danzer has received first prize in the category "science" at this year's F-Cell Awards for a new fuel-cell technology that harnesses energy from bacteria filtered out of waste water.

Fabian Stumpf wins Best Poster Award at the Biosensors Conference 2014 Fabian Stumpf wins Best Poster Award at the Biosensors Conference 2014

For his Poster on “Non-contact single cell printing for single cell real-time PCR", Fabian Stumpf (HSG-IMIT) and his colleagues from the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), the research cluster BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies and BioFluidix were awarded the best poster award at the Biosensors conference.

The power of cracks The power of cracks

Thomas van Oordt et al. from the Lab-on-a-Chip division describe the effect of ultrasonic welding parameters on the peel strength of polyethylene films and provide a practical guideline for a systematic adjustment of welding parameters.

MNBS 2013 Presentation Award MNBS 2013 Presentation Award

Konstantinos Mitsakakis received Innovation Award for his project DiscoGnosis in Cork during the 7th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems

Tree Fungus Lets Current Flow Tree Fungus Lets Current Flow

Scientists at the Department of Microsystems Engineering present new concept for biofuel cells - cover story in ChemSusChem, the journal for chemistry, sustainability, energy, and materials

Rapid Detection of Malaria Rapid Detection of Malaria

Konstantinos Mitsakakis at the Lab for MEMS Applications at IMTEK is coordinating the research project DiscoGnosis, which started in November.

Best Poster Award MFHS 2012 for Dong Liang Best Poster Award MFHS 2012 for Dong Liang

For his poster „Novel gravimetric calibration method for nano liter liquid handling devices” Dong Liang was awarded the best poster award of the 1st International Conference on MicroFluidic Handling Systems, which took place from October 10 - 12.

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