Biomedical Microtechnology

"What do you want, new hand?" "What do you want, new hand?"

What does microsystems engineering look like in the future and how will it change our lives? Reading of a science fiction story by Thomas Stieglitz

Up to the fingertips Up to the fingertips

Researchers from the Laboratory for Biomedical Microtechnology are designing a prosthesis that makes movements tangible – Film!

Deception in the Depths Deception in the Depths

A new technology uses electrical impulses to reduce high blood pressure and is set to become the first alternative to treatment with drugs

FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez

Ordonez, Group Leader at the Biomedical Microtechnology Lab, was appointed as Junior Research Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). His research proposal “A novel mechanical model for safe electrical stimulation” targets a fundamental and innovative reliability model for implantable thin-film electrodes under electrochemical loads.

Implantable Cuff with Electrodes Implantable Cuff with Electrodes

High blood pressure is the greatest health risk worldwide behind smoking and alcohol consumption. In Germany, around 25 percent of the population suffers from arterial hypertension, as the condition is referred to in medical circles. The microsystems engineers Dr. Dennis Plachta and Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz from the Laboratory of Biomedical Microtechnology at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) of the University of Freiburg teamed up with the neurosurgeons Dr. Mortimer Gierthmühlen and Prof. Dr. Josef Zentner from the Medical Center – University of Freiburg to develop a new cuff equipped with electrodes that can lower blood pressure without causing side effects.

Poster Award for Dr Dennis Plachta in VDE poster competition

Dr Dennis Plachta's poster on selective stimulation of the vagal nerve was awarded the 2nd prize in the BMT 2012 poster competition of the 46th Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering within the VDE (DGBMT) in Jena, 17-19th September 2012.

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