Fast wie lebendes Gewebe
Die Freiburger Chemikerin Anayancy Osorio forscht an Hydrogelen und 3D Bioprinting
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Electricity from Waste Water
Joana Danzer has received first prize in the category "science" at this year's F-Cell Awards for a new fuel-cell technology that harnesses energy from bacteria ...
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Adipose analysis on microfluidic chips
Platform works with minute quantities of liquid to grow cells and study their development
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On screen: discover the portable lab in a movie at youris.com - the European Research Media Center
Scientists of IMTEK and HSG-IMIT are developing a fully automated system, which can identify sepsis in infants within hours instead of days.
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Fingers Made of Laser Light: Controlled Grabbing and Rotation of Biological Micro-Objects
Freiburg scientists develop concept for feedback-controlled optical tweezers
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Close Proximity that Generates Energy
Lars Pastewka is optimizing a type of what is known as contact electricity, or the triboelectric effect
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Flying Lab for Blood Analysis
The Max Planck Society has granted €1.52 million in funding to a project for studying hormones in birds
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Research article about virus sample preparation on the Cover of Analyst
Research article of the Laboratory for Sensors on the back cover of the new Analyst issue: A lab-on-a-chip for free-flow electrophoretic preconcentration of ...
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Fraunhofer and the University of Freiburg are reinforcing their cooperation in continuing education
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Freiburg Academy of Continuing Educa-tion (FRAUW) at the University of Freiburg is offering a joint master’s degree program ...
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FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez
Ordonez, Group Leader at the Biomedical Microtechnology Lab, was appointed as Junior Research Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). ...
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