New Dean Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast
On October 1st, 2018, Prof. Bast will become the first female Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in its 23 years history.
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New Dean Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul
On October 1st, 2016, Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul, Chair of Microsystems Materials, will become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his ...
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New Dean: Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle
Since October 1, 2021, Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle, Department of Microsystems Engineering is become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office ...
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New Dean: Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen
Since October 10th, 2019, Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen, Chair of Bioinformatics is become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his ...
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New Vice President of Digital Transformation
Gerhard Schneider, Director of the IT Center of the University of Freiburg, takes up the post on 1st December 2018
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New Training Platform for Big Data Analysis
The Galaxy Europe project has set up an infrastructure offering online tutorials for researchers in the life sciences
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Mandatory mask-wearing on campus
The University of Freiburg reacts to new requirements of the state and the city due to the increasing number of corona infections
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Prizes for outstanding teaching ideas
Freiburg-Penn State Virtual Classroom Award for Anke Weidlich; Frank Hutter receives Instructional Development Award (IDA)
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Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS 2017
Members of the Graphics Group won the highly prestigious Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS - Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2017 in Lyon, ...
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ACM Names 71 Fellows for Computing Advances that are Driving Innovation
The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the worldwide leading computer science organization, has named Bernhard Nebel as an ACM Fellow. The ACM Fellows ...
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