Department of Computer Science

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう

New Dean Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul

On October 1st, 2016, Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul, Chair of Microsystems Materials, will become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his precursor Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen, Department of Computer Science.

New at the faculty

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, chair of the new Gips-Schüle-Professorship of Sustainable Engineering Systems and Junior Professor Dr. Matthias Kuhl, chair of the Junior-Professorship of Modelling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits.

VDI Sponsorship Award 2015

Jan Burchard (Department of Computer Science) and Sebastian Stöcklin (Department of Micorsystems Engingeering) were awarded the VDI Sponsorship Award 2015 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2015/16.

Wolfgang-Gentner-Award for Young Researchers

Dr. Sita Johanna Saunders (Department of Computer Science) and Dr. Matthias Koch (Department of Microsystems Engineering) were awarded the Wolfgang-Gentner-Award for Young Researchers 2015 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2015/16.

Free ride

Thanks to the new tram line 4, you can now get to the Technische Fakultät campus every 10 minutes

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